creating a space for nuanced living

A BIG purple hang-up wall

So, I have this great big purple wall that’s magnetic! Yes, that’s right, magnetic primer – it’s amazing! You put on your wall, and (in my case, after thee coats of primer and one coat of eggplant color paint) voila!, I have a BIG purple magnetic wall. I love my wall. It helps me think, and see the big picture of not-yet-visible things, and not lose sight of my intentions. My brain, esp. when working on something new, does best, actually craves, writing things out BIG size. I think the big visual cues act as reminders – keeping me on the broad plane – and not getting lost in the details.

On my wall, I can spread out my thoughts. It gives my ideas a place to be ‘real’, before they exist in another form. Usually, I write out the 4-6 big things I’m working on…. I can look up and know they are guiding me. Some times I use big sheets of newsprint, to put out themes to refer back to, as I move through the many little details of everyday life. Other times, I use small index cards to write lists of the detailed elements that are a part of the 5-6 bigger things, and it can remind me whether or not I am touching on all of the parts of what I’m working on, at some time or another.

Its part of an interesting question: How do we work on the bigger whole of something when at any one moment all we can do is work on one part? I love hearing about process: how people work on big projects and intentions while staying in the reality of the small moments, and themselves. There’s something deeply human in this duality. Meaningful change, projects, work, evolve slowly. Life continues to need us in it. Its easy for other things not to ‘fit in’.

One of thee hardest parts of working with something new is that when you begin, nothing in the environment cues it up. Your existing reality reflects your state of being up to now. So finding a place to ‘put things up’ where they can exist undiluted is a fantastic thing. Space is key. It feels good to have ideas written out BIG. Two or three months later, when I’m not really looking at them any more (sometimes I even cover up the ideas with a blank sheet), it is great to take a look, and see that “wow!”, yes, these really are the things I have been working on. Things move slowly, but they move.

My purple wall helps me find ways to work with that flow.

Here are my magnets:

And my wall:

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