creating a space for nuanced living

Freedom for

“Embracing creativity, potent connection, & joy of the mundane.”



Doing leadership work

– Coming back to body based practices.





To give but not explain.

Let them arrive at it.

Sacred breath.


Interesting, our foundations are the thing that we can take for granted.  We push off them, push them.  They may seize, test their material tenacity, but they don’t crack.  We come back to them.  They are the  crucible.  Surviving, giving what they have.

See that and honor that role.  Who can  I call last?  Who treats me that way?


Maybe the possibility of appreciation.


What I can’t tolerate is “suppression”.  Wounds and losses of suppression. I am here, and I know how to support their release and return to growth.  This is my gift and wisdom.  Remembering, I fight for suppression.


“As an intuitive, I tend to take too much for granted – I fail to fill in the facts that would make my thinking clear.  As my husband says as he walks past my studio door.  ‘You’re not a born writer, Marion.  Every time I walk by, you’re gazing at the trees.  You think everything through and then you write down your conclusion.  A born writer would keep writing the process down.”

– Marion Woodman

Soul Friendship

When I am grieving, I just need someone to be normal to me, tell me about something interesting, be with me.

~ Gratitude to N.F.


“There’s an honesty that comes from working with a somatic sensibility that most of us struggle to be in.”

Getting to Ok

“Being fine means gathering up all that I’ve lost.”

That is why we fill up our lives with stuff.

Scenarist in me (Vocation 1)

I am incredibly creative and generative with constraints.  (Remember: its part of what I do.)


Remember… your center (Vocation 2)

It is not intellect, it is learning.

Learning (Vocation 2b)

Learning is my essence.  I find my aliveness and my creativity.  (Recognize my vocation/gift: creating learning.)


Ah, to let go into me. Can I be so kind?


There is this period of letting go of the structures and practicing.

This feels like a huge stepping back. I cannot be so competent.

But this is my true ability.

Can I be kind enough to let it out?

To let it grow?

Buddhism 101

Everything’s connected
Everything changes
Pay attention

~ from an Episcopal, former Catholic Nun

My organizing principle

I move toward what hurts.

My former (dis)organizing principle

What I do to avoid rejection, is I turn around and make me cooler.


“Things are happening in my life, I really don’t have words for.”


“My first priority is sacred self-care. I don’t have the time to be busy.”

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