I am facilitating grief groups. I also benefit from the amazing presence of those in my life. They teach me what it is to grow through their energy, and I am learning what it is to support others through the lineage I experience.
The presence that heals me:
– Can they stay patient?
– Can they stay with me in whatever I have in front of me, knowing it is an absolutely essential part of what is up?
– Can they be loving, even when it pushes their buttons?
– Can they hold their judgment, even when I do unreasonable, annoying, repetitive, or damaging things?
– Can they be with me, while I learn and grow, no matter what that is?
– Can they be firm, but also start anew each day, respecting themselves and me, where they/I am now?
– Can they give me unconditional presence?
With that I heal…
What I ask in return:
– Can I stay patient?
– Can I stay with you in whatever you have in front of you, knowing it is absolutely essential part of what is up?
– Can I be loving, even when it pushes my buttons?
– Can I hold my judgment, even when you do unreasonable, annoying, repetitive, or damaging things?
– Can I be with you, while you learn and grow no matter what that is?
– Can I be firm, but also start each day anew respecting myself and you, where you are now?
– Can I give you unconditional presence?
My practice:
– Presence rather than approval
– Develop without righteousness, pushing that energy into new gifts and humility
– Pushing found power into voice, serving myself and others, rather than ego, using/pushing that burn
– Releasing the best part of me with that fire (and thus enlivening the best part of them)
– Stop looking for approval. Release the energy, harness the furnace of pain.
I never knew how to be simple. I am gaining that power. It requires sitting in it. And a lot of love / pain.
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