creating a space for nuanced living

Sculpting (i.e. writing)

I don’t call it writing, I call it sculpting/expressing. That is what I do.

Writing is too linear. What I do, is sculpt my thoughts and experiences, into something.

I need to have lots of places to go and to flow, to make it feel natural, and not get lost in rigidity (Rigid work occurs when I try to fit into a structure, rather than flow out of myself). For the latter, I need not only to be myself (obvious but simple and profound), but also practical stuff too, namely a new, evolving, organic workflow that fits what I do.

What I find so far… I need a place to be ‘organized’, capture things for later use. I need a place to be working on my main practices and tactics, the main work that people will see and be developed. I need a place to mull around and feel into my own private thoughts, this needs to be personal and easily accessible throughout the day, as I have the thoughts. And… I need a place to visualize things. This gets me out of my head, stops me from obsessing, and helps me to start to see things from the outside.

Right now I am developing a workflow that operates around me. It is exciting to see it happening, beautiful and validating. I see it starting to facilitate how I think, who I am, and I see it starting to let me out. I can feel that even writing this; it is awesome! I’m using DevonThink (evolving work content/resource database), Evernote (projects, info, and creative bits I want to capture), MacJournal (writing), a WordPress blog (visualizing), Word (for formatted stuff for me, or clients), 1Password (capturing passwords) and being able to go between them as I want.

The structure comes after, under the process… Its sculpting, not ‘understanding’.

I am a person who’s just drawn to process. Why? I think in part, because I never really got something that worked, I never really was able to take a structure or system for granted. For whatever reasons, I never got to just ‘rest’ into something. Outside processes I felt never reflected me enough, or got deep enough into how I thought or where I needed help to unfold the to be creative, or truly sculptural, which is my relaxed self. So now I am getting the chance to develop something, as I work. I don’t even know what it will be, but its starting to come out. It is so liberating! I love it. This is the stuff I’d love to talk about. What is the structure that works around you?

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